5th QC Practical Course Kick-off with BASF, BMW and Siemens

Kick-off event with BASF, BMW and Siemens: 16 LMU students implement use cases on four quantum computers: IBM Q System Two, Rigetti Aspen-M-2, Fujitsu DAU and the D-Wave Advantage in the QC Optimization Challenge Practical Course.

The practical course will provide the ability to model optimization problems for quantum computers, as well as an introduction to practical work with existing quantum computers. Four computers are currently available in the QAR Lab for this purpose: IBM Q System Two, Rigetti Aspen-M-2, Fujitsu DAU, D-Wave Advantage.
In cooperation with our industry partners BASF, BMW Group and Siemens projects with high relevance for concrete applications are calculated by our students on quantum computers in this semester. With the three use cases (1) Financial Forecasting (BASF), (2) Drive Train Optimization (BMW) and (3) Train Routing (Siemens), the students will explore the main applications of quantum computing: machine learning, simulation and optimization.

We are pleased to make this possible for the 5th time and are looking forward to the results at the end of this semester.