Am 21. Juni 2021 wurde Prof. Linnhoff-Popien von SheQuantum-Gründerin Nithyasri Srivathsan interviewt. Die Gründerin leistet mit ihrem Startup Pionierarbeit bei der Ausbildung im Quantencomputing und baut Barrieren ab, um weltweit mehr Frauen für das Quantencomputing zu begeistern. Einen Auszug aus dem Interview finden Sie unten. Das ganze Interview können Sie zudem hier (auf Englisch) lesen.
Frage von Nithyasri @SheQuantum:
„What is your take on the women representation in the field of QC? Are there enough women involved in quantum research?“
Antwort von Prof. Linnhoff-Popien, LMU:
„At the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (LMU), we have been organizing the large-scale internship “Quantum Computing Optimization Challenge” for students since April 2021. The proportion of women there is 37 percent. However we still see that the proportion is lower among the scientists who are doing their PhD in this field at LMU.“
Frage von Nithyasri @SheQuantum:
„What is your one advice to young women who are enthusiastic about pursuing a career in quantum?“
Antwort von Prof. Linnhoff-Popien, LMU:
„You just have to like what you do and just do it. You need the right supervisor, the right lab – and then let’s do it! If a woman is interested in new topics in computer science, quantum computing is an excellent research area. Find an institute that you personally like. And network with like-minded people in forums, at conferences. Share your research results, learn from each other. Have confidence in your accomplishments and very important: make your work visible.“